Why 2020 actually WAS a blessing!

2020 has been utterly challenging pretty much for everyone around the world on our beautiful planet, and I feel that we all need to give ourselves a HUGE pat on the back. 

We made it! And for those that didn’t, I send my heartfelt condolences to all families that have suffered from their losses, but know that we will always hold dear the happy memories and shared moments we had with them. 

We have all done incredibly well, under the circumstances. 2020 has pushed many of us out of our boundaries, it has forced us to look at life, money, business ventures, health and relationships in entirely different ways. 

Do you remember how you felt at the beginning of 2020? Were you one of those people (like me) who thought “wow, the numbers sound great”, or, if you are spiritually inclined you probably felt something extraordinary was going to happen (and well, it certainly did!). Didn’t you just feel that this year was just going to be “our” year?

That’s how I felt anyway. I was living with my husband, we were expanding our business, and despite (a lot of) ups and downs and having financial issues (we lived in a remote, and very poor African village and had just started our own company) I truly believed it was going to be a great time for us!


As it turned out, the complete opposite happened. Our business didn’t take off, we both started having different aspirations and despite having more time together we drifted further apart. Our money problems were a big part of the problem, we fought a lot, and soon the whole “dream life” and vision I had had with him and about our future together was falling apart. This life, the life we were living by then, was not what I wanted at all – anymore.

Thanks to incredible support from friends and from my parents whose unconditional love and strength helped me “get out of there”, I finally found the courage to leave this toxic relationship. It was hard, but I am now so grateful I did it. 

Going back “home” at my age (I’m 33!) was not something I was keen on doing, but I had to do whatever it took to preserve my health, and my sanity. This was a big turning point in my life.  But NOW I realise what a BLESSING this all was! 

Do you ever feel that bad things lead to good things? I sincerely believe that it is always the case. When I came back to France, I found a little job as a receptionist for a couple of months which gave me back the strength and confidence (and some money) I had lost while I was stuck in a house all alone in a remote village. Then in July my grandmother was diagnosed with brain cancer.

But the job contract finished just at the time when I was able to actually go and visit her for a few days (I hadn’t seen her since I had moved abroad, so for about five years), despite all the covid restrictions, and I will treasure this time I had with her that I would otherwise never have had, had the first part of this year not happened the way it did! 

On October 2021 she left us peacefully in her sleep, but I felt so blessed to have seen her, and to be there with my mum, to be there for her, for my father, and for my family in general. Soon after that, I began to re-assess my life. Online job applications were getting me nowhere, but deep down, I know now that it was because I didn’t really know what I wanted in my life anymore! 

Yet I chose not to give up. Despite all the seemingly “bad” things that had happened, despite the obvious panic the world was going through because of the pandemic, despite not knowing what kind of job I’d be able to find and do (I worked in tourism), I stood up again, looked inside myself and found that I had actually become much stronger, more resilient, and even wiser than ever before! I had changed. I had grown!  

And so during the second part of the year 2020, I focused on taking back the reigns of my life. I nurtured myself and let everything that didn’t resonate with me “fall away”. I dropped what didn’t feel right, and focused what I really wanted, what brought me joy. I decided to launch my own little business and establish myself as an author, which has been one of my biggest dreams, and a real passion for me since I was young. I even managed to write 10 books within just a few months! And now, I feel better than ever and more than ready to create a new life for myself! 

As I am writing, two days before the New Year, I know understand that we should not have “expectations” for 2021, or for any year after that, in fact. A new year won’t make things better, the calendar doesn’t mean anything (neither does it to to God, to the Universe, or even to governments or to viruses!). 

The key is: WE make things better. For ourselves and for others. WE decide when, what, how and why we want things and people in our lives. WE choose what we want to create, and once we have decided that THIS (whatever it is for you) is what we want, we just GO FOR IT! And believe me, that’s when miracles actually start to happen!

Take me, for example. After having spent so many months giving away everything I had (all my money to the ex and his family, depending on my parents, etc), having given so many gifts, so much energy producing books (I loved it, but it was as exhausting as It was rewarding) out of the blue, I was suddenly chosen by a special company that works with the government to join a free Digital Marketing course (usually very expensive). And this happened at the PERFECT time, as I needed more help as to how to promote my books online!

I’ve now started making sales (slowly but surely!). I’ve also been spending a lot of time visualising myself living a relaxed life near the beach and got exciting news and a possible and exciting work opportunity coming up! So in February I am heading off to an exotic island to make this dream come true! And I intend to do whatever it takes to find the job I love, to live in a place I love, to work with people I love, and to just “upgrade my lifestyle” entirely and finally settle somewhere I love! I know everything else will follow, as long as I “go with the flow” of what feels good to me! 



I would like everyone to remember this one vital thing: WE are the miracles. Some outside force sends us help when we least expect it, sure (and lucky for us too! What a wonderful Universe we live in, really), but it is the drive, the energy and passion we put into what we love and choose to do that make anything we want possible! 

I sincerely want everyone out there to realise their own, unlimited potential! WE ALL HAVE SO MUCH TO OFFER THE WORLD! 

No matter who you are, how you grew up, where you are now, what you are doing; IF you are unhappy, if you feel something needs to change, if you have profound unfulfilled desires, I would suggest that you just stop thinking so hard about it, and take small, but steady steps into the direction you REALLY want to go! 

Nothing can stop someone who’s determined to get what he or she wants. YOU have everything within you that will help you make that happen. Don’t let the world’s “outside” condition scare you, don’t let people’s opinions or judgement belittle you, don’t let your financial issues bring you down, don’t allow any word in your own mind to let you think or believe that “you’re not worth it” or that “you can’t do it”. 

Because the simple truth is: YOU choose what you create, what you become, what you decide to do and have. YOU can have it all. Yes, it will take some effort, maybe hard work too at the beginning, but if you love what you do it will never feel like something difficult to do anyway. 

And, best of all, the Universe, or God, or Energy or whatever you call it will ALWAYS be on your side, and will give you coincidences, signs, lucky breaks, all the time along the way, as long as you FOLLOW YOUR HEART!

So don’t “hope” that 2021 will be a better year, “MAKE IT” a better year! Don’t expect things are going to change, or not change, or don’t let the fear take hold of you. Know that you ARE the creator of your own life! 

Refuse to give up when things get tough. Actually, when you know you feel you want or should give up, this is the perfect sign or your inner voice telling you “DO NOT GIVE UP”! 

Allow yourself to feel free to be you, to express yourself in a way that feels right to you. Thank yourself for being you, appreciate who you are! WE are ALL so special and unique in our own ways!

The right people will get you, the wrong people will simply fall away! The more you follow your heart and do what you love, the more you discover new and wonderful things about yourself! But I warn you, once you understand that you can actually do anything you want that makes you happy (as long as you’re not hurting anyone in the process of course, though you can have healthy boundaries), the more you will want to do it, and the faster you’ll be able to accomplish everything and anything you’ve ever wanted to do!

So enjoy the last few  days of this tough, challenging year, but realise that, if you really look at it, at how it made us all grow, how it made us appreciate our family and friends more, how it made us realise how blessed we already are or what needs to change in our lives, all in all, 2020 was truly a blessing. 

Consciously CHOOSE to be the being you were born to be! Choose to make 2021, and every year after that, the years during which you will not just “survive”, or “live your life”, but “thrive” and “ENJOY IT”! All it takes is your willingness to change your perspective, to do what feels good and right to you, to focus on the positive aspects of yourself and of your life and desires residing within you, and the rest will fall into place naturally. 

I so wish you ALL the very, very best in life in 2021! May you all receive all the luck, love, wealth, health, joy, happiness, comfort, prosperity and abundance you desire! And may YOU make this year your best year yet! 

Happy Reading (and Happy New Year!)

Mahina Perrot
































We have all done incredibly well, under the circumstances. 2020 has pushed many of us out of our boundaries, it has forced us to look at life, money, business ventures, health and relationships in entirely different ways. 

Do you remember how you felt at the beginning of 2020? Were you one of those people (like me) who thought “wow, the numbers sound great”, or, if you are spiritually inclined you probably felt something extraordinary was going to happen (and well, it certainly did!). Didn’t you just feel that this year was just going to be “our” year?

That’s how I felt anyway. I was living with my husband, we were expanding our business, and despite (a lot of) ups and downs and having financial issues (we lived in a remote, and very poor African village and had just started our own company) I truly believed it was going to be a great time for us!

While to be able to create is one thing, to actually go through the “manifestation process” in order to consciously and accurately bring into your life what you want is quite another.

In my book “MANIFESTING: A step-by-step guide to creating the successful and abundant life you desire”, I break down some complex topics so that you can understand them and start implementing them into your life immediately.

I share with you the key elements that will enable you to actually create or attract anything you want. It is a book based on personal experiences and it is also backed by science. I have included some of the most powerful and relevant quotes by some of the most inspirational and motivational speakers of all times, and, at the end of the book, you will also find 30 “Motivational Cards”, which you can simply enjoy reading all at once, or you can choose to “pick” one every morning to help you stay on track during your manifestation process! 

Each letter of the word M.A.N.I.F.E.S.T.I.N.G makes up one chapter, which makes the entire process much easier to remember. This book is not just a step-by-step guide that will really help you manifest what you most desire, it is also a life-long and loyal companion on your life journey!  

You can order this gorgeous paperback version on Bookelis: shorturl.at/oFNW9

Or on Amazon (both Kindle and Paperback available): https://cutt.ly/Sh06fL9

Happy reading everyone! 

Mahina Perrot